May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blogs and Polls and Trips, Oh My!

I am enjoying the feedback on the polls, please vote on our new one! ----------------------->
Not that I have any control over it, I was just interested in your thoughts. If you have an idea for a poll, just let me know.

We are so glad testing is over, you all can be very proud of your little ones! Each and every one of them worked hard until the very end! We were all happy to get back to our regular schedule! Thanks to everyone who sent in goodies, they REALLY helped after our long days of testing!

What we are working on in class:
Reading-Questioning and wondering using expository texts.
Writing-Memory writing, memoirs, about to start poetry.
Math-Investigating geometry, continuing to practice all operations.
Science-a short unit on simple machines then we will begin chemistry.

We started our personal class blogs about 2 months ago, each child has their own blog, and up until now I have let the kids be free. For the rest of the year I will ask them to blog about specific things, stick to their topic, use more detail, and edit!! :) I would love for the parents to participate when you have time. I have made one username/password that all parents can use, just type for example, "Josh's Mom" before your comment. I will email you the username and password. You can comment on our posts, make them positive and encouraging to keep the kids excited! You can also take the opportunity to have continuing conversations with your children about internet safety (digital citizenship), possible post ideas and editing before they post (our rule of thumb is to re-read 3 times: once to make sure it makes sense, then for capitals and periods, and last for spelling). Your child is more than welcome to post from home using the post ideas page.

We will be making up the Vulcan field trip that we missed. Here are the details of our upcoming trip to DeSoto:


· Our field trip to DeSoto is this Friday.
· We will be outside for most of the day. Please dress appropriately for the weather.
· Be sure that your child wears comfortable tennis shoes.
· If your child did not order a lunch from the lunchroom make sure he/she brings one. Make sure the bag and drink are labeled with your child’s name and everything is disposable.
· Chaperones, our departure time is 8:30. You can meet us at 8:10 in the lobby by the front office. You are welcome to ride the bus with us. We will return around two. Also, send in $13.50 for your discounted entrance fee so you do not have to pay full price at the door. Our chaperones are Ms. Southworth, Ms. Davidson, Ms. Williams and Ms. McConnell.
· Wear your South Shades Crest T-Shirt if you have one.
· Click here for more information about DeSoto Caverns and our field trip.
I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we are getting! Check our calendar for other important dates.

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