May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


*Check our calendar for other important dates. 

We have a busy week this week, so just a quick post to let you know what is going on each day.

Monday 10/03/2016: Crazy sock day
Tuesday 10/04/2016: Wear your SSC attire
Wednesday 10/05/2016: Wear your favorite workout clothes (stay in dress code)
Thursday 10/06/2016: Wear your PJs
Friday 10/07/2016: Fun Run, author visit 3rd and 4th grade, flu shots for students, wear your running shoes! Parents feel free to come run and/or cheer your student on! We will be running at 12:45.

The Fun Run is off to a great start! Don't forget to bring your donations in each day this week!

Thanks to everyone who has been able to come to a conference, I have enjoyed talking to you about your child and I hope our talk was helpful! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any other questions. If you have a conference this week and it's after hours. Please enter the building through the after care door on the right side of the school.

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