May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Monday, October 24, 2016


You can either get bitter or you can get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you. ~Josh Shipp

Red Ribbon Week
Monday 10/24/2016: TNT here during PE
Tuesday 10/25/2016: Fun Run Science Show for winners
Wednesday 10/26/2016:
Thursday 10/27/2016:
Friday 10/28/2016:

*Check our calendar for other important dates.

Just a little bit about what is going on in class: Reading-We are enjoying Pax! Last week we did a Today'sMeet with our partner class in Wisconsin to talk about a few happenings in the beginning of the book. This week we will do a Padlet with them to share our thinking. Check our Padlet towards the end of the week to see what we have to say!  Writing-Sticking to a topic will continue to be a focus. Next week we will begin persuasive writing. This is a DOL (Daily Oral Language) week for grammar.  Math-We have started division of bigger numbers. Since we have been practicing and talking about multiplication and division fact families most of the kids are naturally using the multiply up strategy, as our numbers get bigger, the kids will find that the big 7 (or partial quotients) strategy is even more efficient. . Content-Towards the end of the week, we will be making and wiring our houses! We will also have a quiz on circuits at the end of the week.  Technology-Since last week was digital citizenship week, check out parent handouts form Common Sense Media for things you can do at home to promote good online habits.

Monday, October 17, 2016


*Check our calendar for other important dates.

Just a little bit about what is going on in class: Reading- We finished City of Ember and watched the movie. After the movie, the kids enjoyed collaborating on a class google doc to compare and contrast the movie and the book. We start our Global Read Aloud, Pax by Sara Pennypacker this week! The kids are excited, we "Mystery Skyped" with one of the classes we will be working with. Ask your child to tell you about their class and what state they are from. Remind your child that all of our Mystery Skype information is on Google Classroom if he/she forgot. Writing/Language Arts-Just a reminder that I post skills we have covered or are covering each week on our Lab Lessons page for review and extra practice. Scroll down to IXL Language Arts or IXL Math, remind the kids they need to be signed in to IXL before clicking on a link.  Math-We are finished taking quizzes on basic multiplication tables. The kids should know all of them in 3 seconds or less by now. If this is not the case, then your child should be practicing multiplication facts nightly!! If your child is still using repeated addition for multiplication of bigger numbers, here is a game that we are using in class to practice a more efficient strategy. The array cards will need to be printed out. We have played in class, but the directions are included just in case. Make sure to look at the directions for making the array cards. Content-We are getting ready to create our own flashlight and learn more about Thomas Edison! As you saw in our pictures last week, we also made a light bulb. I was very proud of the kids for sticking with the task, not giving up, and troubleshooting their circuit until they made the nichrome wire (filament) light up! Technology-Sara Carpenter visited us and taught us how to make a hidden picture to play Guess My Number using Google Slides! This week she will be teaching us how to integrate Mindcraft into our curriculum! The kids are excited!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Monday 10/10/2016: no school!
Tuesday 10/11/2016:
Wednesday 10/12/2016: report cards go home,
Thursday 10/13/2016:
Friday 10/14/2016: makeup picture day

*Bring your parents or grandparents to lunch this week for National Lunch Week.

*Check our calendar for other important dates.

We have finished planing our field trips, if you would like to sign up, please click here.

Just a little bit about what is going on in class: Reading-Our Global Read Aloud, Pax by Sara Pennypacker starts next week. We are finishing up with The City of Ember this week, and will watch the movie at the end of the week and compare and contrast the book with the movie.  We are still practicing our literature circle jobs with our independent books and working on comparing and contrasting with articles in our Story Works magazine as well.  Writing-We are working on our seed ideas.  Math-We have officially started on division!.Content-We are getting ready to test conductors and insulators using our circuit testers then we will build a lightbulb! Technology-We are enjoying Mystery Skype and will have our 2nd one today, I wonder which state they will be in?!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


*Check our calendar for other important dates. 

We have a busy week this week, so just a quick post to let you know what is going on each day.

Monday 10/03/2016: Crazy sock day
Tuesday 10/04/2016: Wear your SSC attire
Wednesday 10/05/2016: Wear your favorite workout clothes (stay in dress code)
Thursday 10/06/2016: Wear your PJs
Friday 10/07/2016: Fun Run, author visit 3rd and 4th grade, flu shots for students, wear your running shoes! Parents feel free to come run and/or cheer your student on! We will be running at 12:45.

The Fun Run is off to a great start! Don't forget to bring your donations in each day this week!

Thanks to everyone who has been able to come to a conference, I have enjoyed talking to you about your child and I hope our talk was helpful! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any other questions. If you have a conference this week and it's after hours. Please enter the building through the after care door on the right side of the school.