May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week of August 31


It was so nice to meet with those who attended Parent Night.  Thank you for coming!  As I mentioned, we have a very sweet class.  It is my hope that we can always work to the fullest so your children can not only grow academically, but socially and emotionally as well. We are going to have a wonderful year together in 4th grade and I appreciate all support you are able to offer!!!  I will have a lot of information in this Newsletter.  Please let me know if I have left something out!  Looking forward to a forward to a fantastic year!

**HCS username and password**--Please help your child memorize their username and password by this Friday.  These will remain with your child until their senior year if they remain in the HCS system.  They will use it every time they log in to the computer system, Google, and other sites.  These are in their binders under the Imp section of the binder.

**Spelling City**--Should be underway! Let me know if you have questions.

**Reading Rewards**--Starting this week for homework.  Each night Monday through Thursday students will be expected to read for at least 20 minutes log and comment on the site.  I would love for them to read Friday through Sunday, however I will not expect them to report to me.  I will only check the site.  Math sheet(s) will be come home each Monday and will be turned in to me on Friday and usually it will have pages from our workbook stapled to it.  Students are definitely encouraged to solve the work on their own and then have a parent or grown up check for accuracy.  We rotate weeks: Language (parts of speech) and Vocabulary one week, and Spelling and DOL the next week.  Never will students be tested in Vocabulary and Spelling or DOL and Language in the same week. Spelling City will be due every Friday, and flash cards and sentences will be due on vocabulary weeks.  Starting Sept. 1st, you can begin initialing each night on the "year" calendar to say that you have seen and checked homework.

**Graded Papers**-The first set of graded papers will come home this Wednesday inside the yellow SSC Wednesday Folder.  Please look over and initial EACH graded paper with your child and allow them time to make corrections IN PEN.  There will also be a parent signature form that you can then initial letting me know you both have had time to work together on this.  I would like to have these returned by Thursday, however if you need an extra day then just send a note or email to me letting me know. If you write notes besides in the comment section, make sure it is on the first graded paper because I do not flip back through them.

We are working on a new strategy for solving word problems that will come in VERY handy when we study fractions. You will see 2 examples in this week's signed papers. Right now it seems simple to them and some are skipping underlining important info and drawing the model. Please help me stress that they need to do this. Also, if it's not a matter of being lazy and your child just needs extra practice, here is a great website to do that. They have already used it in class, so they should know how it works. We are just doing addition and subtraction now, but there is also practice for multiplication and division when we get to it.

**Book Orders**
A separate email went out about Scholastic.

**School Closed for Labor Day**-September 7th 

In the classroom we are focusing on the following:

Establishing Reading Workshop, D.E.A.R. time (Drop Everything And Read), How to effectively select a book that is “Just Right”, and discussing ways that Reading is Thinking.  We are Book Buddies with Ms. Stout's class and look forward to reading with them each Friday afternoon.  We love our Book Buddies! I will take a daily status check of each student’s reading to help instruction and growth.  Our Read Aloud books so far have included  Thank you, Mr. FaulkerThe Hundred Dresses, and we are currently reading Flying Solo.  We have shared rich conversations and discussed the need to predict, connect, infer, question, and reread while reading. We have learned hot to do our Daily 5 during reading, and soon to learn about our Reading Cafe.

In Math, we began the year with data collection and graphing.  We have collected data in a variety of ways, compared the data, and graphed the data.  We will continue to collect data throughout the year by interviewing each other to collect, compare, and graph data regarding topics we are interested in that incorporate numerical analysis.  I expect students to practice their multiplication facts on a daily basis.  By the beginning of November students are expected to be fluent through 12X12.  The sooner your child has all math facts memorized, the quicker they will be able to apply it to future lessons.  It is very difficult and time consuming when students are spending time computing problems they should have memorized.  Please work with them EVERY DAY on their math facts, by calling out different problems while in the car, while making dinner, while waiting for an appointment, or at any other time you have available. is a good website students can use to practice at home as well. We will have a computation quiz each Friday. 2 parent letters were attached to the email to help you help your child with our multiplication unit. Also, I am sending a hard back parent math resource book home. When math homework sheets come home from our work book, there is a corresponding page in the hard back that I am sending home that will answer any questions you have about the homework. It is called the Student Math Handbook,  it is for you to keep at home as a parent resource until the end of the year. It is coming home with yellow folders tomorrow. If you do not want/need it at home, you can just send it back to school.

Establishing Writing Workshop--   Students have been webbing and sketching favorite memories and making lists of future writing topics.  We have discussed The Writing Process and all steps that are a part of publishing any piece of writing.  There are 5 steps in the Writing Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Proofreading, and Publishing.  We will begin our DOL (Daily Oral Language) this week. Quizzes are normally given each Friday.  Students are welcome to take home their DOL folders home to study, however, if they are listening in class, they should not have to!! We will be tested at the end of every other week.  When we are not working on DOL we will be working on Language (nouns, verbs, sentences, etc.) Here is some great online practice for Grammar also:

Spelling and Vocabulary will rotate every other week.  Students will be working on developing sentences, creating flashcards, alphabetical order, etc., as well as in order to help review before our Friday quiz.

TECHNOLOGY:     Google Docs!!! (Typing; Font size, color, background, bold, underline, style; saving; Printing; Creating a folder, sharing, collaborating!!); Each week we go to the computer lab.  We began the year with reviewing what we already knew about correct placement of our hands on the keys when typing, continued with technology vocabulary.  We will discuss technology and use technology throughout the year.  Even though we have laptops, we can't print at school from them, so we go to the computer lab once a week, here is a link if you want to peek at what we do in there!

I want to thank you ALL for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read/respond to this newsletter as well as future e-news I send out. I know this is a lot of information, and as the year progresses our routines will require less words.  I hope I answered some things I was not able to say at Parent Night and looking forward to this year being a huge success for your child.  Thank you so much to those who have already sent in contributions, and to those who have already volunteered their time. If you are looking for ways to help our class, please visit our volunteer page. Have a great week!!

All my best!

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