We have started our Fraction Unit. No fraction homework will come home for homework yet. The homework will continue to be the weekly computation practice. Please refrain from teaching your child fractions "the way we were taught" at this time. I will send a parent sheet home as an attachment of what you can do to help with fractions, I need them to understand the basics of what a fraction actually is. Many of my students see fractions as only shapes or parts of shapes, not as a number. For the upcoming week we will be investigating different types of unit fractions (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/2, etc). Once they get a grasp of this, we will move on. Thank you for your support. This will be a struggle for all of us, not just your child. I promise I will work diligently with your children to make this a fun, learning experience for all of us.
So many of our grades are starting to come from online assignments and assessments. Some I will be able to email to you. This lessens the amount of graded papers that will be coming home. Should you ever have a question about your child's grades please let me know.
We are continuing our study of Alabama History focusing on Slavery. Your children are enthralled with Social Studies and our read aloud. Many are excited about learning the history but also in disbelief about what happened. We are tying our non-fiction writing in with our Social Studies and pretending we are news reporters, writing about what happened during the times of slavery.
The younger classes are doing an author study of Jan Brett. They discovered that she is running a contest for whichever school has the most likes of her Facebook page, wins a free visit from Jan herself during the 2015-2016 school year! How cool!? Several 1st grade classes are doing this but they need our help and we will all benefit from it if we win!!
I have the link for her website below. If you are willing and able, take time to share her website with your child to generate their excitement. This is a great time of the year to read her stories since most of them are set in the winter months.
1st grade is getting together a flier that will be sent home with each student school wide with more information on how you can participate from home.
We really appreciate your support!
For Facebook: search for Jan Brett. The directions to the contest are in her recent post. Make sure to select SSC as the school you are representing!
*Check our calendar for other important dates.
Please continue to send in box tops have a good week!
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