May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Dear Parents and Students,
Our year is moving right along.  This Newsletter has many upcoming important dates to put on your calendars.  More information will come home in the coming weeks regarding the field trip, wax museum, and spring fling, but I wanted you to go ahead and “Save the Dates”.    For those not aware of the Wax Museum, it will well be worth your time to attend.  Mark those calendars now!

**March 17-SSC Zaxby’s Night
**March 18—Report Cards go home
**March 30-April 3-School Closed-Spring Break
**April 13-16 ACT Aspire Testing
**April 21-4th grade annual SSC Wax Museum (tentatively scheduled from 10:30-12:00)
**April 22-Field Trip to Montgomery, Alabama (We  can take 3 chaperones, let me know if you are interested)
**April 24-School Closed-Inclement Weather Day
** April 28th-4th Grade Transition trip to BGIS
**May 1—SSC Spring Fling

**Third and fourth graders will be participating in the ACT Aspire, a
comprehensive assessment, April 13-16.

In order to maximize students’
performance, listed below are a few suggestions for parents to follow:

1. Ensure child gets to bed at an appropriate time.
2. Awake at a time that does not require a child to rush, that could increase
3. Eat a healthy breakfast.
4. Reassure child that this test does not affect his/her grades, and do not
discuss the test in excess.
5. Arrive to school on time. Please try not to make any appointments during
testing times.

ACT Aspire Testing Schedule
Monday, April 13 th, 7:50am 9:
30am (Reading)
Tuesday, April 14 th 7:50am – 9:30am (Math)
Wednesday, April 15 th 7:50am 9:
00am (English)
Thursday, April 16 th 7:50am – 9:30am (Science)

**BOX TOPS : Keep sending in your box tops every month!!!
Every box top adds up to help our school!!
**PUBLIX : Continue to use your Publix card every time you shop. We have received over
$600 in donations from Publix this year all
thanks to you!!
**TARGET : Do you have a Red Card? Did you know that if you link your card to our school
(online at, Target will donate 1% of all your purchases back to the
**RECYCLE: We are still accepting used cell phones and small ink cartridges to recycle.
Help our students be Resourceful, Responsible & Recycle!!

Monday, March 2, 2015


Hello parents!
First, I would love to thank you all for making me feel appreciated and loved during Teacher Appreciation MONTH!  You and the kids made me feel special every day!   I love your kids and appreciate every day I get to work with them.  They inspire me and teach me so much.  I hope they feel a similar feeling from me.  You are raising fabulous kids!
**This week is Dr. Seuss week.  Each day students will get to do something special.  Tomorrow students can wear their favorite hats to school.  Wednesday students wear something red and blue.  Thursday students wear a crazy or mismatched pair of socks.  Friday Students wear a cozy pair of pajamas!  Our class will visit the Book Fair on Thursday from 8:00-8:30.  Feel free to join your child during this time.  They will also have the option of shopping Friday.  We will have Monday’s scheduled menu (green eggs & ham) on Tuesday 03-03-15 at lunch.
**SSC Literacy Night is tomorrow night, March 3rd from 6:00-8:00.  We will have lots of fun activities hosted by our teachers and faculty like making Dr. Seuss hats, making book marks, and playing computer games.  We might even have a visit from a book character.  Our book fair will be open during literacy night.  We will also have a few games in the book fair like guess the number of fish and our famous Sucker pull.
 **Our Alabama History scrapbooks are to be completed no later than March 9th (next Tuesday).  Some have asked about the Wax Museum.  This is an entirely different project.  The date has not been confirmed, however it will be sometime after Spring Break, and after testing, which will be sometime in April.  We have worked on the speeches in class.  In the meantime, if you would like to work on finding costumes that look something like your famous Alabamian would wear that would be wonderful!  More information will come later regarding the details of the wax museum.
**Thank you for encouraging your child to read every night!  I am really noticing significant improvements in their comprehension and fluency levels.  Most importantly I am seeing a love for reading increase!!
**Thank you to all who are helping with classroom needs!  Speaking of this, we are totally out of pencils. Next time you are out, please pick up 2 12 packs of sharpened pencils! Thanks so much!