You're Invited!
Our class will be
memorizing and performing holiday poetry for you on Wednesday, December the 19th from 8:30 to about 9:10. This will be a very informal time just to be
together and celebrate the season! If you cannot attend please make sure
someone comes to watch your child. It can be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or a
neighbor. Let me know if you cannot find anyone to attend and I should be able
to help. The children will be acting out winter poetry and will need to dress
up/bring props to “show” their poem. Poems need to be memorized by December 14th.
I can't believe November is over and we are heading into December! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got lots of rest and good family time. Here is what we are diving into this month. Reading-We are reading Because of Winn Dixie together as a class and continuing to study elements of fiction and using our Nooks to learn how to write summaries as we read each chapter. Writing-We are learning about adjectives and next will be adverbs and how to use them to spice up our writing.. Math-We just finished our big unit on multiplication and division of bigger numbers. I just added a video explaining the strategies we are using for multiplication and division in class, click on this link and scroll down to see our strategies explained We are starting a unit on measurement that will take us to the holidays. Computation will continue to be practiced daily. Content-We are finishing up our study of the first settlements of our nation and now we are learning about the 13 colonies. The kids will have notes and study guides in their social studies folders and I will also be posting resources that will help them study on Edmodo. Tech News-The latest news on Overdrive (our check out app for e-books on the Nook) is that SSC has started our own e-books library! We will be able to use Overdrive with SSC e-books very soon! It will have books hand chosen for the kids by our librarian, Mrs. Owens. Look for more information to come home soon. As far as the public library, the kids can still check out books from home under your supervision. Remember that this opens up the ENTIRE public library to your children, so keep close tabs on what they are checking out if you are allowing this from home.
*Check our calendar for other important dates.
Sites: Since this is also the season for lots of colds and coughing, we watched a video and took a quiz on Health Safety. All of the kids did great! A hard copy will not come home in signed papers but you can see the video and the quiz they took on this link.
Links for extra practice:
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Measurement (under construction, I am adding links)
- Computation
- 13 Colonies