May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29th

Thank you parents for everyone who was able to take the time to come to Parent Night! If you were not able to come, you can click here and scroll down to "parent night", I will also be adding the 4th grade power point that we did as a group to this link.

We are officially underway and already learning lots! Just a little bit about what is going on in class: Reading-We are practicing making connections as we read in order to help us understand what we're reading. Talk to your kids about your connections. Make sure your child is "sticking with a book" and reading on his/her just right level.   Writing-We have been working on collecting ideas for writing in our binders and adding detail to our writing pieces. Sticking to a topic will continue to be a focus. Next week we will begin collecting memories to put into a memory book. We will explore different ways to write about these memories. Please help the kids send in memories as often as possible starting next week. They will be glued into a book so if you do not want to part with original pictures, just print a copy and send that in. No bigger than about a 4x6.  Math-We have just begun our study collecting and interpreting data. We are also reviewing multiplication facts 1-12. It is IMPERATIVE that your child be fluent with these facts, meaning they can answer any fact in 3 seconds, in order to be successful with division.   Content-We have taken flight in our study of the history of flight and space! Technology-The kids will be using LOTS of technology this year. Remember to read the Nook policies carefully and sign and return the forms by Friday. The have already started  using Spelling City to practice their spelling words, they will have their their very own web pages, save files, embed html code, creat slide shows, use online editing software to work with photos, build their "wild selves", and yes, they will do the old fasioned keyboarding practice on Dance Mat Typing, and that's just the beginning! Blogging and E-Pals are coming up soon, Edmodo is a wonderful new school site will be using as well. Don't worry, your kids will show you how to do it all!*Check our calendar for other important dates. Site of the month: United Streaming(username-tanyaconstantine, password-united): - A great site to learn more about just about anything that your child wants to study. Your child can search other topics. Just be careful that they stay with grade level videos if they search on their own. If you type in Magic School Bus in the search area, your child can watch ANY Magic School Bus video that he/she wants to.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Great First Day

Meet last year's class...New Class Picture coming soon!!!
Hi Parents!!!

We had a WONDERFUL 1st day of school in Fourth grade!  The students were very polite and respectful to one another, and I was amazed at their abilities and interests.  We each had the opportunity to share a bit about ourselves and learn about our new friends.  We have a sweet and bright group of students!!!  I look forward to an exciting and enriching year! 

THANK YOU to all who sent in the necessary supplies required for a successful year.  It was nice meeting those of you who came to Meet the Teacher!  I can assure you that all of the supplies will be used responsibly.  Please send in a healthy snack each day with your child.  They may also keep a disposable water bottle at their desk.

Students will be bringing home their agenda each night.  Please sign the agenda EVERY night.  This is my way to communicate with you, and know that you are getting homework assignments.  Even if nothing is written, still sign. Also please go over the "BEE Book rules" with your child, they are behind the important papers tab. There is a homework link on our website that we will start updating next week if you need to make sure your child got everything written down.

I still need the two online forms and the emergency dismissal, PG, and Edmodo permission forms from some parents. Please get these turned in as soon as possible. They are on the Welcome link of our website.

Again, thank you for all of your supportive notes, treats, supplies, etc.  If you need to contact me, send an e-mail to  I look forward to seeing you at our Parent Meeting on August 28th at 5:30.  It should not last long.  This is going to be an excellent year!! J


Tanya ConstantineJ