May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!

May the "fourth" be with you! Fun times in Fourth grade!
Mrs. Constantine's Class Rocks!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25

Dear Parents,

Only 24 days until our holiday break, hard to believe! We have had a great November. Thanks to everyone who helped us with our Native American Swap and our field trip to Camp World Song. The Fun Run was a success, I believe we are only 100 dollars away from Mr. Singer and Mr. Lawry shaving their mustaches!

Reading We are finishing our unit on inferring and about to begin a unit on questioning during reading to monitor understanding. Have the kids explain and model these strategies to you when they are reading at home. In read aloud we are enjoying a book called The Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark!

What an exciting book. We've just started it so we will let you know how it turns out. We are also reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and we will be able to compare and contrast it with the play next week. Also next week, we will be starting a 2nd round of poetry in order to practice our fluency. We recorded our last poems onto our Ipods and copied them to the network so that our book buddies can enjoy hearing us read to them whenever they want to. We also made booklets so that they can follow along with the text. Our next set of poems will be "holiday" poetry. After we're fluent with these poems, we want to invite you to come to our classroom to see us perform, Wednesday, December 17th, from 1:00-1:30.

Math We will continue to work on fluency with the multiplication tables and exploring division. We are also beginning an investigation called Landmarks in the 100's. A separate letter will come home explaining this study.

Writing We will be using our study of the Explorers in Social Studies, to inspire our writing. The kids will practice writing in 1st person to describe the life of an explorer that they choose. They will also create a Voki of their explorer on our web page. I'll send you the link as soon as we have them all posted.

Social Studies We will begin a study of the Explorers.

Technology We finished recording our poems on the Ipods. We also Made a "Photo Story" of the book Fly Guy by Ted Arnold for Mrs. Shepherd's 1st grade class. We are learning how to use our flash drives to save our work. Thanks to Amanda Stone for supplying us with these. Soon we will have slide shows added to our web pages .

Important Dates <------click here

Don't forget to cast your vote at the top of this blog!

Super Fun and Safe Sites:
(these sites are always on our favorite links page)

Kids News:

Our tech coach's list of sites for 3-5 grade:

Fun Brain:

To practice fluency at home, here are more poems:

Practice parts of speech with Mad Libs:

Another great site o practice multiplication, the kids have used it:

Thanksgiving Fun:

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tanya Constantine